TEXT TO GIVE: ccsonlifegive to 888-364-GIVE (4483)

How it all started...

Pastor Don Roach has been a Calvary Chapel pastor for 3 decades and has planted 4 churches over the years with his wife Amira. We look forward to seeing what God will do through the teaching and preaching of His Word in Southern Sarasota County!  The Harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. If God has been tugging at your heart to be a part of a start up in this area, please contact us and let's begin a conversation.
Click Here to Contact

Expanding the vision...

As part of a concerted effort to re-route the resources of CC SonLife to the local level, we have searched for the missionaries amongst us. We are not opposed to supporting international missions and have for years, but we felt the leading to get more involved in our own backyard so that we can be more hands on. Here is a list of the current local missions that we are supporting and how they are reaching out to Judea, Samaria and the Outermost parts.      Click on each one to find out more:
Operation Underground Railroad
Foster The Family Florida
The Solve House
Pregnancy Solutions
One Christ/Won City
Calvary Relief
Dancing With Clayton Foundation
Hope Sails
Crossroads Hope Academy
Discipleship Support Ministries
Agape Flights
WSEB 91.3 FM
(See the "Missions" page for more details)

Where we are headed...

We trust God to lead us by His Holy Spirit and His Word, to accomplish all that He has for us as a body, in this city and beyond. We will go where He leads and trust Him with fearless trust, because He is a great God! It is His Word! We are His people! It is in His perfect timing that His perfect plan comes to pass. We will do our best to walk by faith and not manhandle that which He has entrusted us with, most especially His Bride.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 10:00 am
 Wednesday night Bible Study at 7:00pm